We have been working together since 2020

Innovations in tech management

Our expert team is focused on the development of advanced technological solutions that optimize business processes and provide the highest level of innovation in modern technological management.

International team

Combining talents for the highest standards professionalism and world experience

Our team brings together talents from all over the world, providing a unique combination of knowledge and approach to work


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Проєктів у 2022 році


Koliasa Construction Management

an international company that combines deep technological knowledge and the exquisite art of technical management. Our expert team has extensive experience and a creative approach to each project.


The main activities of our team

Innovation in optimization, production and integration.

Our team of programmers and developers focuses on creating advanced software solutions that are distinguished not only by high functionality, but also by an individual approach to the client's needs. We develop exclusive software aimed at optimizing business processes in various industries. Whether you need an enterprise solution, a web application or a mobile application, we provide you with innovative and efficient software.

With our development, you will not only get a high-quality product, but also a team that is ready to take into account your unique requirements and provide an individual approach to each project.

Our production of technological solutions is the result of high-tech approaches and continuous research in the field. We specialize in the creation of advanced drones and equipment, characterized by state-of-the-art technical characteristics and impeccable manufacturing quality. Our products are used in a variety of industries, including the military, civilian, and commercial sectors, providing our customers with advanced technology to solve a variety of tasks.

We take manufacturing concepts to a new level, providing innovative technical solutions and flexibility in responding to our customers' technology needs.

Our company is distinguished by the introduction of advanced technologies that revolutionize various fields of use. The integration of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and military technologies is the main focus of our activity. We offer innovative solutions to increase the efficiency, safety and competitiveness of our customers.

Our approach to integrating innovation is to create balanced technology ecosystems that take into account the unique needs of each client. From the development of automated control systems to the application of advanced technologies in the military sphere, we offer individual approaches and integrated solutions to achieve maximum impact and success in the field of technology.